
Press Association awards Top Journalists

The Jakarta Post | Wed, 04/20/2011 8:00 AM | National
JAKARTA: In commemoration of National Press Day, a group of media and journalist associations awarded veteran and devoted journalists who have contributed to the media development in Indonesia.

Veteran journalist and co-founder of Kompas Gramedia Group, Jakob Oetama, received the Medali Emas Spirit Jurnalisme (Gold medal of journalism spirit), the most prestigious accolade in Tuesday’s award ceremony.

“We were supposed to present the awards at the commemoration ceremony in Kupang on Feb. 9, but Pak Jakob could not make it so we held it today,” said the event’s organizing committee head, Margiono, as quoted by Antara.

Margiono, who is the chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) said Jakob had awoken the spirit of journalism as well as enhanced the quality of journalism in Indonesia.

“The history of the Indonesian press would not be complete without his name,” he said.

The event also awarded Press Card Number One to veteran journalists for their devotion to journalism. Among them was Vincent Lingga, senior editor of The Jakarta Post.

Margiono (left) delivered the recognition to Vincent (right) during the award ceremony. — JP



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